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  3. How to setup my eSIM along with my sim card?

How to setup my eSIM along with my sim card?

This post will help you to setup your dual sim card / eSIM you just activated.

If you are using an iPhone or any iOS device, go to Settings -> Data cellular.

For Android devices setup is similar however exact names and paths are different for each model. In doubt please check the manufacturer website or contact us.

If your eSIM is already visible you can setup as below. If not you must wait to receive the eSIM on the requested activation date.

  • Data cellular must be set to your US number (usually titled “secondary line”).
  • Default line must be set to your US number (usually titled “secondary line”).

This way it will use data and default outgoing calls from your eSIM. You are free to change these settings as you need.

You can also temporary disable your home sim card so it doesn’t connect to the network at all, make sure it says “No” for your home sim card in the list of sim card / eSIMs.


iOS eSIM configuration example

iOS eSIM configuration example


Android eSIM configuration example

Android eSIM configuration example
Updated on June 30, 2024

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